Bolt Tarot - Minor Arcana

The new cards are in italics. In addition to the new suit of Bolts, there are three new cards in each of the old suits: an 11 and 12, and the Princess (or Gilt).

RankGeneral meaningenergy & growthlove & happinessstrife & couragetrade & lawexploration & travel
1: Acebeginningbeginning of venturebeginning of love(victory)beginning of wealthbeginning of exploration
2balance(boldness)friendship; balance of male and femalebalance forcesbalance of two situationsbalance of courage and caution
3material gainsuccessful venturegood luck(quarreling)material increasefind what you wanted
4rest after victoryperfected workpause; wearinessrest after war(miser)successful journey
5negative (-)strifedisappointmentconquest & defeatunemployment; financial ruin(success, but up a dead end)
6future is bettervictory after strife(memories of the past)future will be bettergifts; inheritancemoving on; change for good
7excess(victory thru courage)daydreamsplan may failpause; loss of fortunegone to far; journey past your stop
8problemshastesuccess abandonedbondage(learning a trade)wrong turn, off the path
9medium good (+)strength in reservewish cardloss, miserysolitary enjoyment(counsel, for good or ill)
10success (++)(energy misused)contentmentruinrichesfind what is needed
11choicechoice of methods(things will improve; hope)chance to avoid defeatchance of investmentchoice of paths
12success (+++)growth to full potentiallasting joy(something strange)riches, but used wiselyenlightenment
13: Pagechildcourage, beautystudious, friendlygrace, dexterityscholar, introvertbright, spunky
14: Knightyoung manimpetuousromancebrave, clean heartpatient, trustworthycareful, eggplantish
15: Princessyoung womanwild & crazybeauty, sexyamazon, stronghelpful, ambitiousartist, dreamer
16: Queenolder womanlove of homeintuitionmorning, quick witsecurityknows the way
17: Kingolder manhonesty, passiongenerosity, intelligencepower, strengthreliability, mathpious, open hearted

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Last modified: Sat Aug 25 21:14:16 PDT 2018